Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Deep pockets: The rapidly diminishing ranks of the middle class.

Word on the street December 4, 2012:  In a letter to President Barack Obama, House Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans say they are now willing to accept the need for new revenue, but it has to come out of the pockets of the rapidly diminishing ranks of the middle class.

(In a "spinning" class with stationary cycles a group of eight men and women are engaged in a sometimes heated conversation.)

We're now at the predicted both-sides-offer-what-they-know-the-other-will-reject phase.  In the end, there will be some give and take. One way or another.  But first, more drama.  And, most likely -- a kick of the can down the road into next year.
How About: 
1. We cut the publican's favorite giveaway program.....the military budget. 
2. Increase the capital gains tax rate to 25% 
3. Impose a transaction fee on ALL speculative financial transactions 
4. Go after the estimated $8 trillion dollars in offshore accounts: income taxes and penalties. 
5. Impose a "Patriot's Penalty" on every corporation sending jobs overseas or, charge them a flat fee for every job they export overseas.
A balance of spending cuts and higher revenues is a Republican talking point. since they decided entitlements needed cutting, they have ridden this dead horse, and wont stop flogging it.  NO entitlement cuts.  Get it?
Eventually Social Security and Medicare may need adjustments to help them go into the future; but they have not added $1.00 to deficit or debt as yet.  This bull is just a way to get GOP their hands on programs that keep people from working for food; and makes NO sense at all.  The deficit is a product of on ailing economy, which has reduced revenue, and expanded expenses.  Fixing the economy will repair it; then we can start paying down debt.  Debt is a product of deficits from WW II until now; Reagan doubled it, Bush tripled it; so why all the rush NOW?  Austerity is a sure fired way to keep the economy stagnant, a tact GOP has been using for 4 years now, and wants to continue.
The GOP agenda of continually pandering to wealth consolidation and failure to regulate these scammers, is what caused both debt and this crash.  Step aside and let Mr. Obama and the Democrats fix it, STOP your damned obstruction.
No.  Traditionally this is the place where rulers out of touch with the travails of normal society get replaced by revolutions and mass chaos to shake them out of their warfare state stupors and addiction.
Are you talking about the US?  Aren't we now the place where despotic rulers so deposed by their people come to get cancer treatment and amnesty?
Hey, where are the president's plans for entitlement reform?  The only plan he has is, "It should be done, but not now."  Sound familiar?
It's the same song and dance from you guys.  Raise taxes and never get around to curtailing costs.  And you guys know that this is nothing more than a game of 'gotcha' .... it has no substance in the reality we face.  Raising taxes on the rich will NOT solve the fiscal problems we have.  You know it, Obama knows it, we all know it.  It's evidence of your fraudulent belief that you impudently refuse to deal with reality, and all you do is join in the political game.  Shame on your sad farce.
You "know it," no one else does, don't assume.  It's not a complete solution but it's a good start.  The President has laid out his plan for entitlement reform.  It's Boehner who won't say which entitlements he'd cut.
Shame the GOP House.  They didn't take the offer that gave them 98% of what they wanted before they got nationally pants-ed last month.
Bummer, huh?
What is Boehner's entitlement reform plan?  Tell me exactly what it is and then I'll shut my mouth.  Otherwise, don't make assertions without being able to back it up.  Partisan talking points don't solve problems.  Get off the Koolaid, and face facts.  He does not have a plan for entitlement reform ... he has never put forward a plan.  You can take that to the bank because democrats won't let him touch entitlements ... that's why I am so sure.
Raising rates won't effect the deficit one penny.  It's just politics.
Not one penny? Really? Do tell.
Not one penny goes to deficit reduction.  It all goes to current spending.
Now that's an impressive bit of prognostication, particularly on an agreement that has yet to be agreed.  What are next week's lottery numbers?
It is a fact that if all Obama's tax rates were in effect it would raise approximately 80 billion a year.  We have a yearly deficit 0f 1.1 trillion. Get it?
The GOP proposal is the work of the ghost of Jacob M. Romney
We're broke, the left want's to spend more money, the right want's to generate less revenue and the media want's to paint Obama as infallible.  Let it ride...  It will only prove that America is too dumb for democracy, since we will spend ourselves into the poor house
Your brain is the only thing broke......
1. We're not broke
2. The Right spends far, far more money than the Left
3. Lowering revenue to address the national debt is like asking your boss for a pay cut because you have a big Discover bill
4. Maybe, just maybe, it is *not* the case that Fox has it right while the rest of the national and international media has it wrong
5. Someone is too dumb for democracy, but it's probably not who you think.
We're not too dumb for democracy?  Really, we aren't.  We can do this.
Over the cliff and through the woods to 'prosperous times we go......" No deals with the treasonous wretched GOP!!!
The GOP should all be lined up and shot for treason.......
Hell, I'd pay good money to see that!
Really, thats terroristic talk.  And don't you think it is about time people quite blaming Republicans for everything.  Is the American public so afraid they may lose something - have they become so dependent on give away programs.  At one time we were very independent and prosperous - now it seem we do want a socialist state and god forbid if some one becomes successful - lets take what they have worked hard for and distribute it to those that can't get off their butts long enough to fend for themselves.  
Ah... the 47%.  There they are.  I suppose the laziness of so many Americans is the Republicans fault also - People!  Get a life.
The low tax dogma has proven to be a total failure, maybe we should return to what used to work?  Or is that too simple?
Face facts, GOP.  If tax cuts and deregulation created jobs we'd each be billionaires by now.
Republican politicians are fools and dunces.  Do not trust them when hey say they will work it out.  This has been tried before and proven false.  Tell 'em to come back with some reasonable proposal in line with the majority of Americans have indicated they want done and how they want it done.  The majority of Americans are not at the receiving end of the 1% trickle down trough as are the Republican fools on Congress.
Obama started all this by flipping the bird to the Republicans signal to raise rates by refusing to discuss entitlement reform.  Of course that invites a response that is completely partisan.
Mr. Obama has been begging them to take him up on entitlement reform.
Boehner has never agreed to raising rates.  A few Republicans have indicated they were open to it but not Boehner, at least not in public.  Maybe if Republicans specified their desired entitlement reforms, rather than just vaguely wishing it would cost less, then took ownership of their clearly enunciated position, the President might have something to respond to.
About the biggest con in our nation since Bernie Madoff; the GOP will not get serious or specific because they actually believe they can bait and switch the President; so far only a couple of them that Homie is not playing this game a second time.  The President will not negotiated against himself and his position a second time but the GOP believes he will be forced to by the dire predictions of a fiscal cliff and what it might to to the economic recovery now in place.  That might happen but a more likely scenario is the President refuses to accept a BS deal and allows the Bush rates to go into effect, this in one fell swoop closing the revenue gap and setting the stage for serious discussions on both tax and deficit reform.  And, look who will be in the driver's seat by calling for middle class tax relief?  It will not be John Boehner.
The people voted for a Republican house, its not like they are acting any different from how they acted before the election.  Mr. Obama has to deal with them.  Elections have consequences.
Just don't forget that the Republicans were re-elected in gerrymandered districts.  The house Democrats received more votes throughout the country than the Republicans.
Thanks to Gerrymandering there are still a few GOP-ers left in the House.  Wait until 2014!  But the tax rises will come well before then.
Democrat candidates for the House actually received over 1 million more votes than Republican candidates in 2012.  Read that in the Post.
The consequences are from gerrymandered districts.
Bloody rubbish!  All of it!  No fair taxation  No deficit reduction.  And no more bailouts!  Fraudulent All.
Republicans are in the Mitt campaign mode again: no specific, just promises, vague promises.  They hope we'll buy it.  Voters shot that down in the election.  What is the chance of this letter?  We are not a bunch of retards as they once called our president.  We are smarter than they think.
Please identify the details of Obama's spending cuts.  I must have missed them somewhere.  Otherwise there is no reason to take the Democrats seriously as they are just as guilty but on the spending cuts side of the balanced approach.
They were outlined months ago in the 70 page detailed position paper the White House published.  And it is available on the website.
Go read it and come back
No reason to take Republicans seriously.  No respect for the American people.  The GOP, whether he likes it or not, represents roughly half of the American people based on the last election.  Not taking them seriously is pretty self-centered.
The GOP are not the American people, at least not from the Nov 6 results.
I think it's safe to say he's referring to Republican congressmen, i.e. the ones currently involved in negotiations.
We'll take Republicans seriously when they treat us like intelligent adults!  None of this "We'll raise revenues by $880 billion but we wont tell you how we're going to do it.  Really?  Would you believe a politician who said that?
The GOP will give us the details of the deduction and loophole reductions after the bill is passed.  Bend over middle class.  Or we can give them the single finger salute and let them know we are willing to go over the cliff if they don't agree to tax rate increases on the wealthy.
The middle class doesn't pay taxes.
Excuse me?  Do you know what you're talking about?  The middle class doesn't pay taxes?  I think you're looking at the wrong data.
Now there's an original comment.  I am middle class, have been most of my life.  I'm retired.  No bank deposits in the Caymans.  No stocks.  A public retirement plan and social security and my wife I pay between 18-20 per cent in taxes every year.  There is something wrong with this picture, Mittsterite!
Yeah!  Your candidate paid 13.9 per cent, with hidden accounts all over the world, and you ask why we want some equality?  A hedge fund broker who exchanges bets and paper, makes a hundred million and pays 15 per cent.
Wake up!  The election wasn't a landslide, but obviously this lame-duck session, the last stronghold of the Tea Party, hasn't learned a thing!  And neither have you!
Sure.  Delude yourself that there's ever-more to be taxed out of the private sector - even as it "offshores" away ever more to Asia and that you can tax ever-more out of "the rich" without it hurting, badly, the waitresses who get their tips and the hairdressers who do their hair, the car salesmen who have very middle-class lives on commission pay for selling "the rich" their next car, etc.
Move to Somalia Judy.  No taxes there.  Just killers!
Were Judy's claims true we would have had a booming economy since 2003.  What have the very rich done with their money?  Used it on financial markets, not on building businesses or creating jobs.  They have also socked it away in overseas accounts where the poor dears wouldn't have to pay taxes.  Sorry, Judith Dear, but trickle down doesn't work and has never worked.  Any fair and honest look at the increasing gap between the rich and the rest should make that clear.
We've tried trickle-down three times.  I think it is time we can give it a rest.

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