Friday, November 30, 2012

Obama's grass root machine at work.

Word on the street November 30, 2012: Obama's grass root machine at work.  

(Scene: seen and overheard at a coffee boutique ala Starbucks.)

Man 1
America is tired of fiscal irresponsibility from the self-described conservative republicans who are no such thing.  Since Reagan they have been reckless in the steady increases in our national debt: two wars on a credit card.  The liberals, who are proven to be more responsible, always have to clean up the mess they leave.  We voted to eliminate the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
Woman 1
Get over it, Reps!  America has spoken with a loud voice.  And stay away from the funny mushrooms!
Woman 2
When time restores your mental faculties, please explain how the "more responsible" liberal Obama has managed to "clean up the mess" by amassing more national debt in 4 years than his conservative Republican predecessor ran up in 8 years.
Man 1
I am shocked, SHOCKED!  Where did that debt come from Sanders? Did two unfunded wars really have nothing to do with it?
Woman 3
Please try to answer intelligently without using tired phrases like unfunded wars.
Man 2
This is not helpful. Encouraging far left or far rights groups to put pressure on legislators is antithetical to reaching a compromise.  Both extremes should be encouraged to go have themselves a giant mud wrestling contest somewhere so that the work on a compromise might continue.
Man 3
A good start on a compromise would be for Congress to adopt Simpson-Bowles as a substitute for sequestration.  It was developed by a panel of equal numbers of democrats and republicans.  It would avoid the fiscal cliff and is roughly where the negotiations will eventually end up anyway.
Man 4
It would also provide the certainty of deficit reduction without the feared bump to the economy that would result from sequestration.
Woman 4
The far bigger threat of going over the fiscal cliff is what it would do to the public confidence in our government.  When Standard and Poor's downgraded the U.S. credit rating it cited growing U.S. political dysfunction as the primary reason.  Voter perceptions of that dysfunction include the 90% disapproval rate of Congress and the 53% of voters who believe neither party represents them.  At this point reaching a deal on the budget deficit before December 31 is far more important than the details of the deal.
Man 3
The far right and far left are more barriers to a deal than influencers of a deal.
Woman 4
If Congress and the President passed Simpson-Bowles potential political and economic disaster would be averted and the vast majority of voters and creditors would be relieved.  Some level of public confidence in the ability of our government to deal with the many other major policy challenges would be restored.
Woman 2
Politicians could still continue with their current budget negotiations and modify Simpson-Bowles later in the unlikely event that they reached an agreement.  The uncompromising members of the far right and far left could continue to cheer their respective side’s efforts.
Man 3
It would almost certainly result in a failed exercise.  It would be harmless and both extremes could get their jollies.  And frankly, most of the rest of us would not give a damn.
Woman 4
Obama needs to get off his never-ending legacy campaign and stay in Washington and do his job.
Man 4
Maybe we are better off when he is out of Washington not screwing up everyone else's job. A great investment might be to just to send him to Hawaii so he can play golf at MCBH for four years.
Woman 3
That's a thought.
Man 2
Ah, lamentably, ne'er the twain shall meet.  The Prez is an effective campaigner, though.  It's almost enough to make the Blarney Stone weep with pride.  Stayed tuned: we could soon be blessed with miraculous footage from Ireland.
Woman 3
One has to think about the rich ... they must have worked hard and had a higher than normal intellect to amass the money that they have.  I suppose some inherited the money but someone along the line had to make the money with sweat and smarts.  It is a far cry from those who sit on their butts waiting for the check to arrive.
Woman 2
Ah, I knew you'd slip the 47% in there somewhere, you Mittskyite.
Man 1
Interesting, we have all these republican followers protecting the rich.  I didn't realize they were all living the high life, or is it low intelligence.
Woman 4
You'll get over it, truth hurts.
Woman 1
Winning elections has its privileges, some fail to recognize this fact.
Man 3
The first thing I was taught in Air Force Officer Training Course many years ago was that rank has its privileges only because rank has its responsibilities. 
Man 4
Obama wants to exercise privileges while ignoring responsibilities.
Man 3
About two hundred Republicans won their elections too.  Recognize that.
Woman 2
Does the Air Force still do their training on the golf course?
Man 4
You liberals have made it quite clear that you want to deviate from our nation's course: a Constitutional Republic of sovereign states, as envisioned and implemented by the founding fathers, and now become a European-style democracy with everything run by one central government that determines how revenue is going to be raised and where it is to be spent.
Woman 4  (Woman 3 and 4 are playing chess.)
I do enjoy an occasional crème vichyssoise glacée ala tureen.  But I prefer government of the "small potatoes" variety.
Woman 3
Alas from a brash, uncultured American.
Man 2
Let's take the money we are spending on war and spend it on Social Security and universal, single-payer healthcare!  That will make our country more secure than pre-emptive wars in the Middle East.
Man 3
You haven't been following the facts.  There is NO "money we are spending on wars"!
Woman 3
The funds for wars are based on future borrowing... it is not money just lying around waiting to be spent.
Man 4
Drunken sailors come to mind....
Woman 4
I'm a firm believer we will see single payer in the future, it's unavoidable.
Woman 3
Even Boehner says ... Obamacare is the law of the land.  Let's see if I can get a liberal to talk about this today....
Any of you liberals:  Do you believe deep down in your heart and mind that the economic BOOM of the 90's was due in part to President Bill Clinton policies?
Woman 2
I'm not a liberal but yes, I do believe the good economy was due in part to Bill Clinton's economic policies.  A balanced budget is a good thing.  I remember.  I had a debt clock on my webpage in the 90s and by the time Clinton was out of office the deficit was gone and we even had a surplus.  We also had welfare reform under Clinton.  He signed it.
Man 3
We all know Clinton left that idiot, Bush a balanced budget, low unemployment and low inflation.  Our citizens were feeling good about the economy.  Then the devastation started.  I see we have a 47% of our republican citizens with amnesia.
Man 4
The push by the progressive groups began Thursday with rallies outside the offices of five Republican House members in Florida.  COOL!  A prime example of “community organizing”.  It has nothing to do with solving problems.  It’s nothing but raising HELL anywhere and everywhere.
Woman 2
The progressive groups are working in tandem with Obama.  He's going to Pennsylvania to make the case that tax rates should be increased for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans.
Man 2
Tandem?  NAH, following orders from Obama.
Woman 1
This is nothing more than a play right out of the RULE FOR RADICALS.  What’s his name wrote it…. Oh yes, Saul  Saul Alinsky.  You know, the self-proclaimed COMMUNIST.
Woman 3
Alinsky ain't fully decomposed: His tactics live on.  Couldn't agree more.  The union chieftains were among the first to meet with our newly re-elected Prez.  Priorities, priorities.
Man 3
Unions need more members to survive.  Union heads, that is.  These cretins are hellbent on saving their own gynormous salaries by creation of a concrete, numbers-enhanced voting block: more aptly put, a concrete political donation block.  40% Of union members are conservative, with dues monies diverted nearly 100% to Democratic candidates and causes.  So much for freedom of expression, eh?  An untidy little detail.  A mere bagatelle.  For you ignorants here... that means: things of little  importance.
Man 4
Unions' forte is hell raising.  Union members were out in force in Manhattan last night, picketing McDonald's, that renowned slave driver of the oppressed masses.  If people don't agree with a company's policies and/or practices, they should vote with their feet. No one's forcing anybody to buy a quarter-pounder with cheese. Minimum wage jobs are supposed to be a "first rung on the ladder" proposition, not a person's lifetime goal.  And for those who say there are no other jobs available at present, even for people with higher qualifications, then something is gravely wrong with this economy. Blaming sloth-like growth on Bush's legacy just doesn't cut it. Newly-installed onerous regulations and the specter of Obamacare's implementation are two chief reasons among many that businesses aren't hiring.
Woman 4
When I examine what's going on in the U.S. today, I am sometimes reminded of the streets of Iran circa 1979, with Ayatollah Khomeini loudly blaming. The Great Satan, the U.S for Iran's then-stagnant unemployment rates.  Blame someone else for your own incompetence or political andstrategic aims in order to quiet the restless, angry masses.  Divert attention from their suffering.  Find a common bogeyman for venting purposes.... and whatever you do.... Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
Man 1
Wha'd'a load o' hooey.
Man 3
Obama is campaigning today in the district of a Republican who got more votes than he did, while running on a platform of reducing the deficit and repealing Obamacare.  Not sure how he thinks this is going to help him.
Man 2
We need government more than ever to protect us and our political commonwealth from the Romney plutocrats, the a rapacious business and financial elite who see this country as something to be pillaged, and that doesn't have the basic patriotism that god gave the common sea slug.  These people have no more business directing the politics of this country than does your drunk uncle who watches Fox News.  There is nothing for the rest of us but self-government, which occasionally must show the those people its fangs so they do not wreck the country and loot it.  It is all that the rest of us have.
I think it is wise for the President to go to the general public and seek their input into that fiscal mess.  Many of the congressional representatives are not listening to the people.  I'm sure even in the highly red districts the people want their representatives to seek a compromise. I think the voters have spoken and its time to move on. Yes, you'll hear a few gripes from the top 2% if tax rates are raised but after awhile when the economy improves these 2%-ers will be jumping with joy because their incomes will have a signifiant spike and the little increase in their tax rate will mean nothing.
Man 3
You have zero understanding of the problem. 
Man 2
You watch yer mouth, young man!
Woman 3
The "top 2%" do not pay for tax raises - they pass it on to the middle-class consumers.
Man 3
The part of the "general public" that listens to Obama are on the "take" - they will go for anything that they think will generate more welfare for them.
Man 2
I'm part of the 47% Romney disparaged.  I'm collecting the Social Security I began contributing to, 55 years ago.  I fought in two wars.  Lost a leg.  Had my balls shot off so's you could stand here and insult me.  Yer not much of a man are ya'?
Man 3
I am very sorry sir.  Thank you for your service.  I served two tours in Iraq.
Woman 2
The economy will not improve by charging job creators more, only to have them pass it on to those who work for a living, with the increased revenue winding up in the hands of those who live off of entitlement income: Obama supporters.
Man 2
There ya' go ag'in.  Of course raising taxes on the 2% will not solve all the problem.  It is just a beginning to correct the inequality that exists.
Woman 4
As for these so called Job Creators, Just where in this hell are they and their jobs?  The "creators" are doing very well hiding their money or we wouldn't have had this financial... whatever they call it.
Woman 2
Sorry, but that dog don't hunt.  Not seeing any compromise from Democrats, they have their own Norquist type pledge not to cut spending on anything.  The President has not asked his party to give up anything.
Man 3
Obama has demonstrated yet again that he can't work with congress - and hasn't learned anything from his firt time around.
Woman 1
The voters elected a Republican controlled House for a reason: they elected Obama to work with the Democrats and Republicans.  That's Obama's job!
Man 1
Reason why voters elected Republicans in the House is because they were uninformed.
Woman 2
The reason we have a Republican controlled House is because the Republicans gerrymandered the districts.  Look at the map sometime and learn.
Man 3
If he's not up to the task, then he needs to step aside and let congress do their job.  All he is doing is making a nuisance of himself and creating a distraction.  It seems the only time things get done in Washington is when Obama is off on vacation or out of the country.
Man 2
He has tried working with the Republicans.  Why is it that they can stick to their no tax rate hike and wants Obama to make all the concessions.  A 1.5 % increase in the top 2% income is a drop in a bucket for them as compared to the tax increase for the remaining 98% if the Bush tax cuts are not extended.
Woman 3
No he hasn't!  He's demanded the Republicans come over to his side and the Republicans are demanding he meet them in the middle .  The voters who put them in the House to hold it fast.
Man 1
The voters spoke when they said Obama can't be trusted with a Democratic congress and intentionally voted for balance and Democratic oversight with a Republican controlled House.
Woman 3
It doesn't matter a whit how many votes Obama got.  Any president is only as good as his ability to work with congress.  Acknowledging that negotiation means you don’t get everything you want.  Obama demonstrated that he couldn't do that in his first term.
Man 3
Voters gave Obama a second chance .. but with a caveat - they said he has to earn that second chance - it is not a given and he has no leverage.
Man 2
Mr. Obama won the election.  That means he gets to demand!  It is the responsibility of the People's House to work for the people...and that means all of the people, not just the reds or the blues but even those on entitlements.  Like I am on Social Security after working for 55 years...55 years of paying for it.
Woman 4
It is beyond my comprehension that after enduring 8 years of George anyone can think that this President is ineffective.  Remember 9/11? He was warned ahead of 9/11 and just ignored it.  Then he stands on a pile of rubble and becomes a hero.  It was crap and remained crap... panic and disorganization and more and more and more war.
Woman 3
Can we stop this boring fiscal cliff talk and get back to discussing the more important issue of Hillary and Susan Rice and Benghazi?
Man 4
Benghazi?  Hillary shot Vince Foster!!!!
Man 1
Who gives a damn about Susan Rice, her a z z is gone anyway, she did her job now she will be thrown under the bus.  But let's talk about the fiscal cliff some more.

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