Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rick Santorum is a mental disorder.

Word on the street.  November 29, 2012: Disable Santorum.

(Rick Santorum, one of the President-un-electeds, deposed by Romney's "March to the Sea", made his triumphant return to the Capitol on Monday afternoon and took up a brave new cause: He is opposing disabled people.  Disabled is a word of art, see: the Americans with Disabilities Act, or Webster's: "having a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities".)

Man 1
Morons of a feather...: Santorum, Jim DeMint and Mike Lee.  A stunner! Jim DeMint supports his lap dog Mike Lee.  Give Mike $180,000 and he can bark on demand.  Lee and Santorum are afraid of becoming irrelevant and forgotten. They are irrelevant, regardless of what they do.
Man 2
We shouldn't subject other countries to the ADA... a law that reserves 20 empty parking spaces in front of our grocery stores and empowers the obese "disabled" to remain obese.
Man 1
Sounds like you should go for a walk...better yet, park farther away from the front door and get some exercise. Very selfish opinion.
Man 2
I am not against rights for the disabled. Who is? 
In your world, anyone who opposes a law that is labeled as "Civil Rights" is automatically a hateful bigot.  Really?  Is that the world as you see it?   And we wonder why our country is so divided...
Man 1
Your statement assumes that all or most handicapped people are victims of their own bad behavior.   Reminds me of Romney's 47%.  Wow, yet another minority to alienate.   Any time I need a lift I google "santorum." Just reading the new definition, how it came to be, is poetic justice writ large. Oh, if we could only do the same with Orin Hatch, who more than anyone else deserves the same tribute. Some things in life are SO sweet!
Man 2
Man 1
Good grief!  If you disagree with someone's position, do so honestly.  He isn't "opposing the disabled" - he is opposing THE UN!!  
Man 2 
And why is he opposing the U.N.? Because they're going to take over the U.S.A.? Really?  REALLY???  Paranoid much??  The organization is headquartered here in U.S., is supported financially to the greatest degree by the U.S.A.  So who's going to take over what, how?  Your Rightwing, Bircher, absurdist "point of view" IS your opinion; and, you are allowed your opinion.  Enjoy your ignorance in bliss, as they say. But, leave U.S. alone.
Man 1
Subjugating the freest country on earth to a bunch of UN morons is a perfectly reasonable position. 
Man 2
You give a perfect example of the classic Straw Man Fallacy. Should be taught in every school, with your opinion as Exhibit A.  Santorum should move to Lubbock, TX and help the county judge repel the upcoming U.N. invasion.
Man 1
Actually, we only needed a few thoughts from you about how Santorum makes a high six-figure income from being bizarre, much like Gingrich does.  This has nothing to do with his belief system, it's his way of trying to remain relevant in a post-election cycle time frame.  Santorum can't even rise to the level of a "has-been."  He never was of any consequence.  Oh, look. He's trotting out that daughter of his to score political points. Just like Palin - they use their disabled kids as political props. Sure hope he's enjoying his socialist medicine, paid for by the taxpayers, for her whopping millions-per-year medical costs. Has he said "Thank you", by the way?
Woman 1
This disgusting individual apparently spends his copious free time thinking up ways to sanctimoniously exploit his disabled child.   ("What a snob.")  Seems to be all he has left for a "platform".  Get a job Rick!  And leave your poor kid out of what's left of your public life.
Woman 2
Santorum is a true head case and anything that he says should be seen in this light!  
Woman 3
He would have seamlessly fit in to the 1930's idealogical German government! 
Woman 1
What's next, Rick?  Outlaw ramps and disabled parking? 
Woman 3
Close the "snobby" schools and colleges and home school everyone.
Man 1
I'm surprised this rightwing lunatic didn't claim that the disabled were snobs....  I'm sure that's on a different one of his bumper stickers.
Woman 1
Just when it's hard to imagine him stooping any lower....Santorum is beyond pathetic.
Woman 2
And, more embarrassing for Pennsylvania, they have a pathetic Senator in Pat Toomey who agrees with this moronic neanderthal idiot.
Woman 3
Mike Lee is an idiot.  Appropriately, he has joined forces with another idiot.  Birds of a feather.  When will these idiots tire of celebrating ignorance? 
Woman 2
I guess "right to life" is not the same thing as a "right to quality life".  As long as the ill and disabled are allowed to breathe, that's good enough.
Man 1
Let's not do anything to make sure that the air they breathe is clean, either, because that would infringe on our freedoms (to pollute the air).
Man 2
Same old line from the Liberals..."the poor, disabled, old people"...well..big bird needs 400 million dollars a year, 4 billion over the next ten how is that helping the disabled?
Woman 2
I have a daughter with Down syndrome and she actually learned a lot from watching Sesame Street! 
Man 1
Where on earth did you get those numbers... Fox News?  No wonder you Republicans are so stupid!
Woman 2
Oh yes...those nasty libs who stand up for all those abusing poor and disabled and old folks.  Better keep them in check.   They are getting way out o' hand.  I hope you never need public assistance.  Then I hope you don't accept it, out of principle.
Man 1
Nothing says "moral leadership" more than bringing your own disabled daughter into the Senate to score empty political points. What a role model she'll have as she grows up! 
Man 1
The media follows these palefaced old grey men around just to keep the fires hot.  
Man 2
If the media just ignored them, they would disappear.  Because their money would dry up. 
Man 1
But inflammatory sells papers, eh?
Woman 1
Another example of the GOP putting ideology ahead of rational thought. 
Man 1
The only real problem with this treaty would be if you didn't like the ADA, or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or the Air Carrier Access Act, or the Rehabilitation Act. As someone else noted here, this treaty is just an (unenforceable) effort to encourage the world to come up to our (admittedly imperfect) standards. 
Woman 3 
It's kind'a like how that U.N. committee the other day voted, for the first time, to recommend that transgender people shouldn't be the victims of extra-judicial murder.  I guess you have to start from somewhere, but whoopdy doo -- the U.S. just won a contentious debate over whether people should, or should not, be killed without a trial.  Don't get me wrong -- I'm glad the Obama Administration pushed for this. The fact that Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice and the President had to push for it tells me that we're not going to be copying UN cultural norms anytime soon. Santorum just can't function without finding monsters under his bed. 
Man 2
Well, BOO!!!   You Liberals have totally misinterpreted and twisted Santorum's reasons for rejecting this treaty. The Liberal brain is surely a strange and dangerous animal.
Man 3
Santorum and reason do not belong in the same sentence.
I know our brains work in weird ways. 
Man 1  (to Man 2.)
I have difficulty grasping ad hominem attacks presented without evidence or justification. You know, like the statement you just made.
Man 3
Rick is like Newt.  They'd be forgotten were it not for periodic outbursts of insanity that help keep them in the public eye.  Both of them make hundreds of thousands of dollars annually with distortions and issues that matter not to the majority of the citizenry.  It's the stuff that keeps Fox afloat.  
Woman 1
Thanks Rick for helping to re-elect Barak Obama.
Woman 2
Pay no attention to the overgrown boy in the sweater vest.
Woman 3
He's not a boy.  He's just a coward and a bully.  Nobody with intellectual fortitude could possibly believe the jumble of insanities that make up Santorum.  Look up the meaning of santorum on Google. 
Woman 1
Boys grow up. Santorum won't mature; he'll simply rot.
Man 1
Santorum needs to finally get a real job.  Put some callus's on his hands... get em' dirty.
Man 3
What would you think he's qualified to do? In the real world, there isn't much call for slime.
Man 1
The last time Santorum actually worked for a living and got his hands dirty, was when he successfully lobbied on behalf of the World Wrestling Federation to deregulate professional wrestling, arguing that it should be exempt from federal anabolic steroids regulations because it was entertainment, not a sport.   He's not exactly prime employment material.
Man 2
I have no hope for America as long as anybody, anywhere, pays the least attention to anything Rick Santorum says. 
Woman 4
I haven't even heard of the treaty until now but my take is that it will bring the rest of the world up to our level of treatment of the disabled.  If thats the case, I'd love to see Santorum be deaf for a day, be blind for a day, be wheelchair bound for a day in the US then do the same in another country in the world.  He'll get a firsthand account of how much work is left to be done to aid the disabled.  Not that what we do is perfect, we have a way to go but many other countries have more.  It just proves Santorum's lack of rational thought and common sense.  Got to wonder if he and Palin are by some chance related.
Man 3
Rick Santorum exhibited his ignorance very well during the Republican debates.  He is no further qualified to represent Pennsylvania than a poodle.  I'm sure that the next time he is up for election his electorate will fall away from him.  I won't say where he can put my wheelchair.
Man 1
And now to the long list of voters that the GOP does not want to attract, we add the disabled? Their do-not-call list is getting so long that the only voters they can ever attract are the white tin-foil-hats and the bored rich.
Man 2
And even the bored rich are starting to wonder whether the GOP is right for them.
Read all about it!  Rick Santorum announces  that he is "open" to a run for the presidency in '16.   Read all about it!
Woman 1
Meanwhile, Governor Chris Christie, currently enjoys a 77% approval rating. 
Man 2
Mr. Santorum was rejected, as an incumbent, by a historic margin, and ran back in the pack in a poor field in the '12 Republican primary. 
Woman 2
Can you all spell, "delusional".
Man 3
As long as he runs with someone else's money, what's he got to lose?
Man 2
The GOP keeps running emotional and moral twits.  We need a 2 party system but they're not providing it and proud of it.
Woman 1
Republican insanity - genuine paranoid dissociative insanity - is no longer remarkable. It's only news now when someone from that mess of a party decides to flirt with reality and reason for a couple days.
Man 4
This stance of Santorum is consistent with his other 'amoral' stands against anything that makes him a Christian or compassionate toward people.  No wonder Pennsylvania voters won't have him represent them.  This position, I wasn't aware of, is more 'snob' elitist rationalizing by the guy who didn't know what he was talking about using that phrase, "What a snob." during his campaign for president.  I can't imagine any such pseudo-Christian becoming dog catcher, let alone President of the United States, with his apparent misrepresentation of Christian virtue or cynical application of religious tests for right wing power grabbing.  Over a generation I've watched the deterioration of republicanism into a narrow, power-seeking, selfishness and money grubbing bunch of dirty old white men.  I'm a WASP, businessman and government official at various times.  These guys would make my father, a capitalist, elected republican official and high ranking church bishop spin in his grave.
Man 2
Please, please Rick Santorum run in 2016 for president. If he gets the GOP nomination, the Republican Party will get clobbered again.  Rick is crackers!  He is the male version of Michele Bachmann the "Wicked Witch Of The (Mid)-West,".  Hey, I hope she runs for president again; I love improv comedy.
Man 4
He has no elected position; he has no real source of funds; and he has no forum from which he can keep his name in the news.  He's a footnote, at best, to a sordid history of ideological and rhetorical overload.  Maybe he's learned from Lincoln's wisdom: 
It is better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
Woman 2
Silence isn't Santorum's nature. Sooner or later, he'll open his mouth and complete the quote.
Man 4
Santorum belongs in a sanitarium.  For his part, he's an unrepentant Bush-ian Republican, although you’ll never hear that name pass his lips.  Ideologically, he represents Big Government conservatism married to an impossibly bellicose foreign policy which has us bombing Iran next week. In this, he is simply a younger, slimmer Newt Gingrich, with two less wives.
Woman 2
Rick Santorum is a mental disorder.

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