Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Red shoes and green tule

The following conversations took place while waiting for my boss's wedding party in the vestibule of St. Rose of the Meadow Church.  I will identify the speakers by their colorful hats  (yellow straw, purple felt, white flowers, green tule, et cetera) or their clothing colors (lavender suit, orange and yellow print dress, tan suit, et cetera).

purple felt hat:
Basically she said to the lesbian heckler, "Oh, you wanna talk?  Well, you can have the mic if you really want it.  No?  Ok."  Then she asked the audience, "Y'all want her to talk?"   
peach and yellow print dress:
Sounds about right.  Pretty much what most of America would do in the face of a self-important person interrupting their speech and making demands.
tan suit:
In not so many ways Mrs. Obama told that woman and the rest of the country...  "You can play that disrespectful BS with my husband but I'm not going to play those games with you!" 
lavender suit:
But threatening to walk out on the audience where everyone has paid $500 to hear you is not quite confronting a heckler.
green tule:
She should try not acting like a spoiled, inconsiderate and rude child having a temper tantrum when grownups are talking.
lavender suit:
Okay.  The heckler was wrong.  There are more appropriate methods of getting your message across.
man in blue suit:
My people are from the Chicago.  You don't ever wanna' mess with Chicago thugs.
peach and yellow print dress: 
She handled it beautifully. Well done Mrs. Obama.  Wing-nuts like that dike have nothing left but meaningless snarky remarks.
man in tan suit:
She may not have handled it beautifully she handled it pretty well.
green tule:
Michelle is the epitome of class. 
lavender suit:
purple felt hat:
That was no place for such rowdiness.
man in tan suit:
Yeah, I thought it was pure rudeness.  This is about good manners at a private event.  The paying-guest protestor should have been thrown out on her butt after her first outburst.  She was plain rude.  Cable news pundits are not models on how to make a point in a civil manner.  She was and is a model embarrassment to all activists.
There are appropriate times and inappropriate times to protest. 
man in blue suit:
Any time you are rude or disrespectful, it's the wrong time.
red shoes:
The heckler did at least distract everyone from the truly awful, rambling speech Michelle was giving.  Did she prepare it or was it written for her?  Oh, and I didn't hear anything "dignified" about the way she reacted, unless there's some new definition I'm unaware of.
peach and yellow print dress: 
Well, the bottom line is that her heckling did her cause more harm than good.  Not a smart move.  Hecklers never do anything positive for their causes.  Their need to be heard is more often just a plea for "me-me-me" to be in the spotlight.  They just piss-off people who are there to hear somebody else.
man in tan suit:
If the bitch had dropped the mike, that would've been sweet.
man in brown jacket:
$500 Buys you a seat, not a microphone.
red shoes:
We're all just sitting around waiting for Obama to take all the money from we rich and give it to the poor.  After we rich have no more to give maybe they'll take it from the middle class and give it all to the government like they do in the other corrupt countries where the people have no say.
man in blue suit:  (Whispering to red shoes.)
Darling maybe you should think quietly from here on out.
red shoes:
Stop it Horrace!  Once the government employees have it, they can spend it on $15 chicken wings and $9 craft beers in downtown DC and two million dollar one bedroom apartments.... wait a minute, they're doing now!
man in blue suit:  (Whispering to red shoes.)
Mildred!  Please!  This is my boss's wedding!
red shoes:
His fifth.  And she's half his age!
green tule:
Can we get back to the crazy, angry lesbian confronting the equally angry First Lady!
man in tan suit:
The White House transcript failed to report Michelle's line to her hostess: "Hold my carrots, I'm goin' down to smack this broad."
peach and yellow print dress:
To which there was applause and cheering.
pink suit with green scarf:
I'd pay big money to see Michelle bitch-slap Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin.  Large money.
man in tan suit:
I'd double that!
lavender suit:
I read it as the Obamas saying, "Thanks for the $5000 and all your election support but we don't actually care about your issue and you need to leave."
man in tan suit:
More like: "You should act with a little decorum, lady.  But by all means, feel free to make a fool of yourself and your cause with weird, disconnected noises."
man in blue suit:
The les was low class.  What do Presidents do?  
red shoes:
Ronny told them to "Shut-up!"
man in tan suit:
He wasn't Pres then.  He was a candidate and candidates can say anything they want to get to the presidency.  Ask Mitt!
peach and yellow print dress:
Presidents with class keep their cool or in President Obama's case engage them with the right of Free Speech.  If that doesn't work then wait a moment for the nut job to be escorted out.
lavender suit:
Really?  Do you expect me to believe that crap?
man in tan suit:
The President and the First Lady should never have to back down to idiot hecklers.  Barack and Michelle, just like Dubya and Laura, have worked hard to get where they are.  The office demands respect.
red shoes:
Ellen Sturtz and her group will now get all the attention she could have ever wanted from the government.  The fact, however that they'll all be low level government IRS employees giving her that attention might prove inconvenient.
purple felt hat: 
You've been listening to too much Rush Limberger.  Is that Musk you've sprayed the area with?
man in blue suit:
Hell hath no fury....  I'd love to see any photos of the look Michelle flashed the lesbian.  Her lips curled up on the side.  Eye brows raised.  Barack knows what I mean.
red shoes:
Classy.   Indeed!?
man in tan suit:
You're a sick person.
peach and yellow print dress: 
Watch your attitude lady.  By the way, who wears red shoes to a wedding?
pink suit with green scarf:
Well, that escalated quickly.
pink suit with yellow scarf arm in arm with pink suit with green scarf:
Pay no attention to them, darling.  Here comes the wedding party.  Soon we'll be able to walk down the aisle together just as they are.

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